これより午後とします これからです
My afternoon has just started
これより午後とします これからです
My afternoon has just started
いまいち気乗りがしないで引き延ばしていた作業を今日なんとか終えて、明日からは真の〆切に立ち向かわなくては・・・ でも一つはなんとか撃破しました
I really need to finish some tasks today that I’ve been procrastinating on, for the next deadlines coming very soon🥺 Good thing is I managed to get one done, at least.
#applestore に入れないような気がします
#applestore is down? (At last app access)
From this spring, I grow rosemary from seeds (which is a bit connected to my new project at work). I replanted them today and found the roots did not grow as expected. I’m worried they would weaken.