Good morning. I thought it was getting less hot, but the humidity is enormously high. I am sweating like a fountain.
やろうと思っていたことの7割を今日のうちに終えることができた すごい!
I finished 70% of what I planned to do today. SUGOI (amazing)
遠征の荷物を片付けて満足しています 本当は家全体を片付けたい(すればよいのでは)
Tidied up the travel stuff. Good job me. What I actually want to do is to tidy up the whole house.
Good morning. I was not posting here for some time, as I was out for the late summer expedition. Now I’m back home🏡
Attending an international conference of #UMAC at Sydney.
Good morning. Got up super early and head to the airport. Super.
久しぶりに都電荒川線に乗ったら、納涼号というレトロ車両でした ぐっときました
I don’t use Toden Arakawa Line so frequently. But this morning I did and the car was a kind of a retro car. Fascinating.