きょうも大変暑い日でした いろいろ進んだ気もしますが、いちばん心に引っかかっている 原稿 が微動だにしていません
It was a very hot day. I think I made progress in some of the projects, but no updates on the manuscript concerning me the most right now.
Good morning. I got up a little earlier and am working very slowly on the manuscript. I think summer is a good time to work in the morning. When I tried it in the winter I failed, obviously because of the darkness and the cold of the winter mornings, which kept pulling me back to sleep.
きょう夕方頃 #Slack に障害が発生して、かつてはこういうときにTwitterをみていたと懐かしくおもいながら、RSSリーダーをふたたび使う準備をしています
This evening #Slack was down for a while. A moment I looked back on the days I searched Twitter on this kind of situation, and turned to picking up a good-old RSS reader.
Good morning. The Met Office says it’s going to be hot today (again). The colour of the sky, bright blue, shows the same expectation. I will be inside all day and work hard on the manuscript. Need to get some meaningful lines to appear.
Good morning. I walk outside earlier than usual. I feel like I can still feel summer at this time of the day. BTW, the Yamanote Line stopped operating before the first train due to a signal failure. They say it will be around noon to be back. Wow.
サクレコーラのふっかつに胸をときめかせていたところ、バニラフロート仕立て・・・でした(コーラが すき)
I was delighted we have Sacre Coke (shaved ice) for this summer. But it turned out to be Sacre Coke Float. Why did they put vanilla ice cream in it? (Or I should try at least once?)