
  • 久しぶりに土鍋でご飯をたいたらおいしかった 白米はさいこうです

    I cooked rice in a clay pot after a long break. It was beautiful and very delicious. Kome shika katan (White rice always wins)


  • おはようございます。このところ過ごしやすくてありがたいです。しかし今度は逆にねむくなってしまい原稿が

    Good morning. The heat in Tokyo was not so terrible these 3 days. Quite helpful. Please continue. On the other hand, I’m tempted to take a nap like a cat and it of course affects the progress of the manuscript.

  • 軽いペンで書きたい気分だったので、プラチナのショート万年筆(中字)を取り出してきました。ペン先が18Kの古いもので、するすると書ける子です。

    I felt like writing with a light pen, so I took out my Platinum Short (M). It’s an old pen with a very smooth 18K nib?

  • おはようございます。なんだかやや喉が痛いような気がします。昨日、夕方から夜まで喋り続けたので、そのせいか、あるいは近隣でA型インフルエンザが流行っており・・・・?

    Good morning. I feel like I have a somewhat sore throat. Yesterday, I kept talking in a class and a meeting all evening, so maybe that’s why. Or to be more pessimistic, Type A flu is getting more reported in the neighbourhood and…?

  • As reading and publishing platforms have shifted to a lease-only model for eBook access, the rights that readers and libraries have taken for granted in the analog world have started to slip away…


  • ここしばらくで一番のおどろき:パスポートが切れて い た!コロナで全然動けぬ間にいつのまにか(いつのまにか ではない)あわてて新規発行に走っています

    My biggest surprise these days: found my passport expired. Wow… I couldn’t go abroad during the COVID days and totally forgot about the valid date. Run to renew immediately!

  • おはようございます。今日も暑いです。が、ちょっと慣れてきたような(希望的観測)

    Good morning. Another hot day, but I feel I’m getting used to it (or I just wish I was)

  • 提出すべきものをなんとか提出 した(ぎりぎり)

    I managed to be JUST in time for the submission deadline!

  • An interesting blog post on 視覴, a ghost word in Japanese (or at least, #CJK) created by ChatGPT, and propagated by content farms presumably using #ChatGPT.

    It seems like the cause has to do with UTF-8 encoding and imprecise tokenization. #UTF8 #NLProc #GlitchInTheMatrix


  • これから、決然たる態度で外にでます けつぜんです

    I am determined to go outside now. Still demonic heat out there.