Good morning. Because I was active under the brightest sunshine yesterday, I want to stay indoors with my cat today. But the cat loves sitting in the sun. Needs negotiation.
Good morning. Got up very early and am heading to the north. As I see many students preparing for the exams on the train, I reflect on my ‘get-up-early’ benchmark.
Seriously wondering if I dare to go out to tidy up some backlogs. Too Bright and rather hot.
おはようございます。梅雨・・・はまだ残留して いる?いない?
Good morning. A hot and sunny day. I wonder if Tsuyu, the rainy season is still here.
I feel I find a summer-look in the sky. Bright and high. Impressive cloud.
Good morning. A bit cooler in the morning. I haven't yet finished the presentation materials for today's event (why?). Need to move fast ?
きあつ ヤッバ
Feeling dizzy because of the change of the air pressure. Perhaps it’s started raining? Not sure because I’m underground right now.
A bit of a headache because of the thunderstorm. The bluish lightning is beautiful though.
The dazzling cloudy sky. I am almost satisfied that I have returned a few emails. The work should be done: NOT STARTED YET