
  • こんしゅうは北の大地にいっていましたが、湿気がなく緑が力強くすばらしかったです。あと札幌の地下街の一角がよかった。

    This week I visited Hokkaido. It was great to escape from the hyper-humidity of Tokyo. The greens were very vivid. I also loved a group of retro food shops on Sapporo underground street.

  • おはようございます。6月は猛烈に忙しかったです(まだ残っている)

    Good morning. June was an incredibly hectic month for me (still a week to go). Hope I have calmer days in July.

  • おはようございます。スーパー地獄起きで出張へ向かっています。6月は移動がおおいきがする(当社比)

    Good morning. Got up miraculously early and head to the airport. Sleepy / sleeping.

  • おはようございます。湿気が重いのか月曜日が重いのか悩むところです

    Good morning. I must admit that I'm not in a very cheerful mood. A: because the humidity is quite high as if it's already June / B: because it's Monday

  • あんの定、ほんきは行方不明になりました

    As expected, I am still rambling.

  • だらだらしていましたが いまからほんきだす

    Rambled on all day, but now time to get down to business

  • おはようございます。春の展覧会の設営と内覧会がおわって、ほっとしました。月曜が初日なので、お天気がすこし回復するとなおよいです。

    Good morning. A bit cold day and I am tempted to turn on the heating. Yesterday we finished installing the spring exhibition (very good ukiyoe prints). The opening is Monday and I hope the weather gets better.

  • おはようございます。良いお天気です。昨日寒かったから暖かい服を着てきましたが やりすぎた予感

    Good morning. Good sunny day. As yesterday was much colder than I personally expected, I put on warmer clothes today, which already turned to be more than enough. Difficult spring weather.

  • おはようございます。地獄起きで移動中。よいお天気です。

    Good morning. Get up super earlier (than usual) and head to office. The commuter train is crowded, but it’s very sunny and lovely day.

  • きあつが急激に降下している気がします

    I feel the air pressure is dropping rapidly.