おはようございます。昨日から喉が痛い気がする。久しぶりに授業で長く喋ったせいか、かぜ か
Good morning. I’m afraid I have a sore throat since yesterday. Perhaps because the classes began and I talked much suddenly, or….
I found my home.
#NewspeakHouse is warm, cozy, inspiring, whimsical, ambitious, amazing.
Thanks @sirodoht for bringing me here.
きょうは外出しないし、もう中秋なので朝のシャワーをスキップしたところ・・・ 一瞬にして あせも が!(まだ蒸している)
I skipped the morning shower today because it’s already mid-autumn and I didn’t plan to go outside. But then I have a heat rash. Promptly. Still humid and warm outside.
がんばった よしお線香を買おう
Finished one. Then next! Before that, I will get a new Senko (incense).
きょう、暑いですよね…よるになっても 中秋なはずなのですが
It’s hot today, even at night. The calendar says it is the middle of Autumn, which everybody is deadly waiting for.
I'm in a bit of trouble.