今日は早めに撤収しようと思っていたところに ゲリラ豪雨
I planned to leave the office early today, which is now being prevented by the enormous downpour.
Extended my Obon holiday a bit. I am working at a relaxed pace. The problem is: the manuscript is still very far from completion.
Earthquake. Is it that there were earthquakes one after another, at 0:48 shindo 4 and at 0:50 shindo 5-? (somewhat scary).
I’ll do my best to prepare for class today. The point is I’m getting nervous as I noticed the Obon holidays is coming to an end…
ひとがいうほど雨風は強くないが、気圧がやばい(猫 談)
It’s not windy or rainy as humans said, but the air pressure is terrible, so the cat says.
Following the discussion with my family on the temperature of the air-conditioning system, I am working in perfect winter clothing.
2028年、街から書店が消える? “救世主”になるかもしれない「2つ」のビジネスモデル║ITmedia ビジネスオンライン