
  • おはようございます。今日から原稿を・・・かく!(かきたい)

    Good morning. Time (or last chance) to start writing my manuscript…

  • 久しぶりに雨がふってきたと思ったらすぐ止んでしまった・・・(あまり涼しくならない)

    ところで Zotero 7 がリリースされたのでさっそく試そうとおもいます。


    It rained a bit after a while ☔️. But it stopped before it got much cooler outside.

    BTW, Zotero 7 has been released and I’m trying it out. It’s great that I can now add annotations to website snapshots. It’d be super if the Japanese search for citing sources in Word is improved…

  • Zotero 7 just dropped. I’ve been using the beta for several months and it’s absolutely fantastic. And it restores an early feature of Zotero that went missing over a decade ago: the ability to annotate snapshots of web pages and add those annotations to your notes.


  • 止めていた仕事をなんとか送り出した。まずひとつめ(次々ある)。とりあえず休憩。

    I managed to send off the work which was expected to be done 4 days ago. First one done anyway, a break for now.

  • おはようございます。お盆やすみにやらなくてはいけないことを書き出してみたところ 膨 大

    Good morning. Wrote down ToDos during the Obon holidays. e.n.o.r.m.o.u.s.
    I decided to see it as relaxed-working-from-home days. First of all, I need to fill in the holes in the flooring.

  • さくじつは初めて渋谷スクランブルスクウェアの高層階に登ってきました。中東料理はおいしかった(かなりスモールポーション)けど、再開発の規模が大きすぎてなんだかちょっと怖いかんじがした。大きいビルをそんなに建てて大丈夫なのかな・・・。

    Yesterday I went up to the upper floor (12F) of Shibuya Scramble Square. The Middle Eastern food was nice (very beautiful but a bit small). The scale of the redevelopment was gigantic and I felt a bit scared. Is it really sustainable and alright to create such big buildings…


  • 人生ではじめて屋外水栓にホース接続用のニップルを付けようとしているのですが・・・とても難しい(水の吹き上がりにより濡れ鼠に)

    First time in my life, I’m trying to put a hose nipple on an outdoor water tap. Extremely difficult. Water blowing up. Me like a wet rat.

  • フムスが大好きなんですが、日本のスーパーに登場する気配がいまのところないので、そろそろ自作を真剣に検討しています。そして職場にフムス部をつくりたい。愛好者がかなりいるはず(憶測)

    I really love hummus. As it doesn’t seem to appear in Japanese supermarkets anytime soon, I’m thinking of cooking it myself. It would also be fun to create a hummus club at work. There must be some lovers out there (just a hunch).

  • お盆休みにもろもろの遅延を解消すべく、まずまったり休んで英気を養っています。来週からがんばります。

    I plan to resolve the many delays during the O-Bon holidays. Have a good rest this weekend and restart next week… perhaps.

  • おはようございます。気がついたら10連勤になっていました。しかもこの暑さ。疲れるわけです。でもなんとかお盆休みに突入したので、ゆっくりする!

    Good morning. I have been working for 10 consecutive days! (in this extreme summer weather). No wonder I’m tired. Anyway, the O-Bon holidays started!