Good morning. A bit colder day and I need cups of HOT TEA☕️
Good morning. A bit colder day and I need cups of HOT TEA☕️
Haven't finished what I hoped to do today, but anyway I'm out of work now.
Good morning. Somehow I forgot to have breakfast halfway through. I'm feeling hungry and in a low-blood-sugar mood.
It was such a nice day after the storm yesterday. Aired my clothes out and went to the voting.
きょう作業をしようとしていた書類の〆切が、昨日だったことがおとつい発覚したので(遡及的記述)、じゃっかん時間があき、そのあいた時間のすべてをぼーっとすることに費やしました まだぼーっとしています
Two days ago I found out the deadline for the paperwork I planned to do today was set yesterday actually. I spent the lucky-bonus free time doing nothing. Doing nothing is marvellous after the hectic March in Japanese unis.
Good morning. Unsettling colour of the sky. Perhaps the forecast is true and it’s gonna rain. Also it’s very windy. Likely a spring storm?️
ちょっと寒くなってきた気がする と思っていたら風も吹いてきました
Felt it’s getting cold. Now windy a little bit. Perhaps rain comes.
Good morning. I still struggling with the paperwork of the last AY, but I think I have almost gone through with it!
そろそろ年度末の頂上がみえてきました あともうちょい
Finally, I am approaching the end of the END-OF-AY-MADNESS. A few steps to go.
Sad news: The draft has not yet been finalised