
  • おはようございます。セブンイレブンのカレーフェアにのってみたところ、思ったよりも本格的でした。

    Good morning. I tried 7-eleven curry fair for my lunch. It was more genuine and spicy than I expected?

  • 翻訳原稿を校正にまわすことに せいこうしました

    Successfully submitted the translated manuscript to a proofreader. Next: KAKUTEI SHINKOKU (Income Tax paperwork)

  • おはようございます(こんにちは)(こんばんは)。なんとか原稿を書き終わり、こんどはそれを翻訳しています。今日中になんとかしたい。というかしないとまずい。

    Good morning (or hello or good afternoon). I FINALLY managed to finish my manuscript and now try to translate it into English. I must do it today, with a little help from my cat.

  • おはようございます。認めたくないのですが、花粉の影響をうけているかもしれない……

    Good morning. I don’t want to believe it, but perhaps I am affected by the crazy-spring-pollen. Or simply, I’ve caught a cold.

  • InDesignに叛乱をおこされています。例:保存できない(・・・・)

    Encountering the rebellion of InDesign. Example: I will not let you save this file.

  • iPad とApple Pencil がないころ、どうやって年度末校正道中を乗り切っていたのか思い出せない

    I can't remember how I survived the proofreading-rhapsody at the end of the AY, without iPad and Apple Pencil.

  • どしどし仕事をしてゆきます

    Working very hard on …. many things!

  • おはようございます。展覧会の設営が無事終了したので(しかしぎりぎり)、原稿をがんばります

    Good morning. Finished (just in time) installing our new exhibition about archaeological artefacts. Next… WRITING MANUSCRIPT

  • Commons 的な発想がいろいろなところで出てきているかんじがある

    A colleague told me about this idea of the “solidarity economy”—community control of work, food, housing, culture—basically anything that people need and that we can share.

    Some examples: community land trusts, community gardens, mutual aid, open source software.

    Now I see this everywhere. On my street, community-built benches, people giving away plants and fruit, little “take one, leave one” libraries in front of peoples’ homes. Each of these is a kindness, but also a little protest.


  • おはようございます。きのうから展覧会の設営をしています。きょうは地獄起きで移動中。ぱつぱつで動いているせいか、時間をかんちがいして、30ふんもはやく家をでてしまいました。ぱつ ぱつ

    Good morning. We started installing a new exhibition yesterday. Today I got up quite early (for me) to attend an artist. Probably I'm a bit too tired, as I left home 30 min. earlier than needed!