Good morning. I am running through the end of AY. Still a long road.
Good morning. I am running through the end of AY. Still a long road.
一日の大部分を占める仕事がおわり、その帰りがけにもうひとつの仕事をなんとかクリアしましたが、まだ一つのこっている 年度末です
I've finished the work that took up most of the day, and on the way home managed to complete another job, but there's still one more thing to do. Typical end of AY.
あと喜ばしいことに、朝起きたら猫はげんきそうに食欲をばくはつさせていました ほっ なにより
I add that I'm glad that this morning my cat is demanding and eating food a lot, as usual. Greatly relieved.
おはようございます。日曜日に働こうとしているせいか、Killer Queen がよい耳触りです
Good morning. Perhaps because I'm going to work on SUNDAY, Killer Queen sounds very cool this morning.
急に風が強くなってきました 寒くなるのかな
Suddenly it got windy. Is it getting colder?
Anyway I hope I can send out the design draft tonight.
きょうは猫があんまり食欲がない気がする ちょっと心配です
My cat seems not eating very much today. She's usually a huge appetite cat. A bit worried.
Good morning. It's a good sunny day. Lovely.
おはようございます。地獄起きで会議とワークショップを がんばる…(しかし湿気が)
Good morning. Managed to get up early and preparing for a meeting and workshop in the morning.
Why everything tends to happen at one time? (possible keywords: organising works and life)
ようやく最初のタスクを片付けた つ、つぎ・・・?
Today's first task (on my list) was ticked off. Next please (not).
いちばんやるべきことに なかなかたどり着けません
Constantly fail to prioritise tasks….