
  • iPad とApple Pencil がないころ、どうやって年度末校正道中を乗り切っていたのか思い出せない

    I can't remember how I survived the proofreading-rhapsody at the end of the AY, without iPad and Apple Pencil.

  • どしどし仕事をしてゆきます

    Working very hard on …. many things!

  • おはようございます。展覧会の設営が無事終了したので(しかしぎりぎり)、原稿をがんばります

    Good morning. Finished (just in time) installing our new exhibition about archaeological artefacts. Next… WRITING MANUSCRIPT

  • Commons 的な発想がいろいろなところで出てきているかんじがある

    A colleague told me about this idea of the “solidarity economy”—community control of work, food, housing, culture—basically anything that people need and that we can share.

    Some examples: community land trusts, community gardens, mutual aid, open source software.

    Now I see this everywhere. On my street, community-built benches, people giving away plants and fruit, little “take one, leave one” libraries in front of peoples’ homes. Each of these is a kindness, but also a little protest.


  • おはようございます。きのうから展覧会の設営をしています。きょうは地獄起きで移動中。ぱつぱつで動いているせいか、時間をかんちがいして、30ふんもはやく家をでてしまいました。ぱつ ぱつ

    Good morning. We started installing a new exhibition yesterday. Today I got up quite early (for me) to attend an artist. Probably I'm a bit too tired, as I left home 30 min. earlier than needed!

  • おはようございます。ねんどまつを駆け抜けています

    Good morning. I am running through the end of AY. Still a long road.

  • 一日の大部分を占める仕事がおわり、その帰りがけにもうひとつの仕事をなんとかクリアしましたが、まだ一つのこっている 年度末です

    I've finished the work that took up most of the day, and on the way home managed to complete another job, but there's still one more thing to do. Typical end of AY.

  • あと喜ばしいことに、朝起きたら猫はげんきそうに食欲をばくはつさせていました ほっ なにより

    I add that I'm glad that this morning my cat is demanding and eating food a lot, as usual. Greatly relieved.

  • おはようございます。日曜日に働こうとしているせいか、Killer Queen がよい耳触りです

    Good morning. Perhaps because I'm going to work on SUNDAY, Killer Queen sounds very cool this morning.

  • 急に風が強くなってきました 寒くなるのかな

    Suddenly it got windy. Is it getting colder?
    Anyway I hope I can send out the design draft tonight.