Good morning. I feel a bit like catching a cold ?
Good morning. I feel a bit like catching a cold ?
にわかに冷えてきたきがします 今日にくらべて明日が暑いのか寒いのかを教えてくれるウェブサイトを探しているのですが、あと一歩よいものを見つけられません
It's getting colder.
I'm now looking for a website which tells if tomorrow will be warmer or colder than today.
思ったよりたくさんあった会議を片付けて職場に向かっています ここからまとまった仕事ができる予感があまりしません なにしろお腹が減っているし
Heading to office after several meetings (more than I’ve expected). I definitely feel work later today is scattered and largely unfinished. Plus, too hungry to work.
いっぽう、返却して一息ついてカバンを改めて見たら、充電器が姿を現しているではないですか・・・・ なぜ?
Tethering drained the phone battery. I couldn't find the recharger (though I usually bring one).
Then I tried a rental recharger service at Seven-Eleven for the first time. It was quite a helpful and good experience.
However, after returning the recharger, while taking a break, I looked at my bag again and saw that the recharger was there. …Why?
もうひと仕事せねばならない しかし客観的にみて夜中です
Still more things to work on. But it’s almost midnight, apparently.
文献を楽しく読んでいますが、あれ、これはなにか自分がかくことはないのでは・・・ といういつものモードにはいっています
Good morning (or afternoon).
Enjoying good literature while feeling there's nothing I can add…
がんばって進めていますが ねむい
でもあと一本くらい文献を読みたい ねむい
Making a little progress on my writing. Want to review another article tonight.
Problem: terribly sleepy
Glad that I could pick up fully ripe avocados.
Perfect day for a nap. But I'm going to tackle the manuscript somehow.
おはようございます ふとんを最高に楽しんでいます
Good morning. Weekend in Futon. Paramount Joy.