あらゆる電車が遅延しているように感じる 年度末のせいでしょうか
It seems every train in Tokyo railways is delayed. Perhaps because we are approaching the end of FY.
あらゆる電車が遅延しているように感じる 年度末のせいでしょうか
It seems every train in Tokyo railways is delayed. Perhaps because we are approaching the end of FY.
If you’re reading this you probably already know, but some new open content just dropped (Getty Museum, CC-0 licensed stuff) and here are three disparate things I love from there already.
Find something you’ll love.
おはようございます。今日はかならず原稿に取り組み8割がた仕上げたい 問題はすでに眠いことです あと日比谷線がすごい混んでいる
Good morning. I absolutely work on the manuscript today and want to finish it by 80%. The problem is I’m already sleepy and the Hibiya line is kind of crowded.
薬罐がへたれてきたので、あたらしいものを手に入れようとしているんですが、いまの薬罐が20年ものなので、選ぶ勝手がわからない 最近薬罐も進歩していたりするんですか?
As my kettle is worn out, I’m thinking of getting a new one. But the current kettle is 20 years old, so I don’t know what to choose. Have medicine cans made any progress recently?
Good morning. Had enough sleep and feel very good. I hope this helps me tackle today’s task: Manuscript! (though I am sleepy already)