When a user shares a scientific paper link on bonfire, the app automatically fetches the #DOI metadata to display an interactive preview. This means instant access to key details like authors, journal, publication date and abstract. The feature was proposed and co-designed with @jorge to be implemented in the open science app, still a work in progress, any further feedbacks are very welcome 😀 #openscience @open_science @UlrikeHahn @brembs
きょうは風が強いのでもこもこに着膨れています 甲斐あってあまり寒くないのですが しかし猛烈にねむい
As it’s windy and cold today I bundle up, which makes me deadly sleepy.
新年も2週間が過ぎようとしていることを諒解したくないきもちです たしかひと月は4週間くらいだったはず?
I don’t like to be aware that two weeks have passed since the New Year. I’m afraid a month is about four weeks long.
いろいろと忙しなくしていたら、もう1月も10日が見えてきたという 恐ろしい
Restless and uneasy new-year-days because of the earthquake and my cat’s digestive trouble. I’m also terrified to notice that already one week has past in 2024!