Good morning. I’ve safely returned from the horrible mountain of the Nendomatsu work! (= the end of the AY year work).
Good morning. I’ve safely returned from the horrible mountain of the Nendomatsu work! (= the end of the AY year work).
岩波文庫、各巻に収録されている文庫解説の公開をポータルサイト上で開始【やじうまWatch】║INTERNET Watch
おはようございます。なんだか冬に戻ったような寒さなのでは・・・ そのせいか朝から頭痛がして、すわ風邪かと暗い気持ちになったのですが、暖かいお茶とクッキーを食べたらなおりました 暖かいお茶最高
Good morning. Winter-like cold is coming back. It’s Yo-Yo spring weather I assume. I had a little headache when I woke up and was gloomy, but it’s gone away after having a cup of hot tea and a cookie. Hot tea is always the best.
あらゆる電車が遅延しているように感じる 年度末のせいでしょうか
It seems every train in Tokyo railways is delayed. Perhaps because we are approaching the end of FY.
If you’re reading this you probably already know, but some new open content just dropped (Getty Museum, CC-0 licensed stuff) and here are three disparate things I love from there already.
Find something you’ll love.
おはようございます。今日はかならず原稿に取り組み8割がた仕上げたい 問題はすでに眠いことです あと日比谷線がすごい混んでいる
Good morning. I absolutely work on the manuscript today and want to finish it by 80%. The problem is I’m already sleepy and the Hibiya line is kind of crowded.